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Cozy DIY Autumn Candles to Decorate Your Home for Fall — LANGRIA

Autumn candles are my favorite piece of fall decor. These little beauties look great and they add the perfect autumn atmosphere into your household. After all, now that the days are getting shorter and colder, a bit of light and warmth is a welcoming aspect to any home. With the right autumn candles, you’re guaranteed to create a warm and cozy atmosphere for you and your family. But this is not all! Besides looking cozy and romantic when lit, DIY autumn candles also look amazing when they are used solely for decoration. No matter whether they are lit or not, with your own DIY autumn candles you’re guaranteed to spice up your interior for this fall. Below, LANGRIA has listed down our absolute favorite DIY autumn candles. These candles are simple and cheap to make yet, once finished, look absolutely astonishing. Making your own DIY candles is fun and easy, making it a great spare-time activity. Make them with friends, family, or by yourself – these DIY autumn candles are guaranteed to treat you to a day filled with fun.  

DIY gourd autumn candles

During the autumn season, you always see those cute little gourds that are used for decoration. They are cheap and easy to come by, but what exactly can you do with them? Of course, you can simply display them at your home or porch the way they are. But wouldn’t it be more fun if you can use them for some DIY autumn craft projects? You could, for instance, give them some more personality by turning them into some cute autumn candles.

All you need for these DIY gourd autumn candles are some gourds, a knife, and a set of wax lights. Simply take any gourd of your liking and carefully cut out a circle on the top where you can fit your wax light. After this, place the wax light inside and you’ll be ready to go. This literally is all there’s to it! These DIY gourd candles are extremely simple to make yet look absolutely stunning when finished. You can use them as autumn patio decor or for spicing up your dinner table.  


Mason jar autumn candles

When you think about autumn, certain ideas naturally come to mind. For me, autumn means colorful trees, acorns, pumpkins, and pine cones. So, wouldn’t it be great if we can use some of these natural autumn aspects and apply them to a DIY candle idea? Well, this is exactly what these beautiful mason jar autumn candles do!  

These mason jar autumn candles treat you to a stunning and colorful look once lit. The red, brown, and yellow colors of the leaves truly set the right fall atmosphere. The best part of this autumn candle idea is that it is very simple to make. All you need are some (fake) fall leaves, liquid glue, a robe, and, of course, a glass mason jar. If you wish, you can even collect some real fall leaves outside and use them for your autumn candle if you wish to add a truly unique touch to your DIY project.  


DIY twig candles

Another simple way to create your own autumn-themed candles is by adding some colorful twigs around an already existing candle. This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make your own DIY autumn candles but the end result won’t disappoint you. These twig candles will add a natural touch to your interior and set the right mood for autumn months ahead.

To make your own twig candles, all you need are some candles in a glass jar, twigs, and glue. You can take any color candles of your liking but because it’s autumn, we would advise you to take some fall-themed colors such as red, orange, or brown. Now, all you have to do is take your candle jars, glue the twigs to the glass, and you’ll be ready to go. Additionally, you can also use cinnamon instead of twigs and use a little robe or ribbon to finish them off.  


Indian corn autumn candles

Colorful Indian corn never fails to remind me of the autumn season. Thanks to their yellow, orange, red, and brown tints, these beauties are a perfect ingredient for some DIY autumn craft ideas. When it comes to autumn candles, you can use them in the same way as the twig and cinnamon candles mentioned above.  

Simply grab yourself some Indian corn, a large table candle, a little robe, and some glue. All you have to do is glue the Indian corn to your candle and add the robe around it with a little knot. Once done, you’ll have a simple yet beautiful autumn candle. With its warm and rustic colors, this DIY candle certainly will set the right autumn mood.  


Colorful autumn candle centerpiece

For those of you who do not have much time to create your own DIY autumn candles, this colorful centerpiece is a perfect alternative. You can put this autumn candle centerpiece together in just a minute time and it does not involve any crafting skills.

All you need is a large centerpiece made from glass or any material you prefer. Fill it up with some (fake) autumn leaves, acorns, or anything else that reminds you of the fall season and add in some large colorful candles. You can further decorate your candles by adding a simple yet cute fall-themed ribbon around them. When choosing your candles, remember to pick the ones that come in beautiful dark and cozy autumn colors. You can even go for scented candles that come with an autumn scent such as cinnamon. With this centerpiece at your table, you’re sure to impress friends and family alike.

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