8 Best plants for the bedroom to improve your sleep and air quality
The pressure at work, stress, family issues, money… these are some of the main reasons why you can have trouble falling asleep at night. Who hasn’t spent hours tossing around in bed, right? And the worst part of it is to wake up to the clock alarm in the morning just when you conciliate your sleep. Ugh! Lack of sleep is a serious problem. It will affect your productivity during the day, you will not have enough energy to go through the day, and it will also affect your mood. If you normally take extra time to fall asleep or you suffer from insomnia, make sure you create a night schedule. It should be your night ritual and will put you into a relaxing mode. Night rituals to go to sleep are not standardized. You can do whatever makes you relaxed: a bath, a walk, read, talk to your loved ones… If you want to try something new to help you sleep at night, have you ever thought about bedroom plants? If not, think about it. If spending time in nature relaxes you, why not bringing nature to your bedroom? Many people keep plants in their homes, mostly in the living room and kitchen for decoration purposes. However, plants have great benefits and you should take advantage of them. Besides being air purifiers, some plants can improve your sleep.
Here is our list of the 8 best plants for the bedroom to improve your sleep quality for a sound sleep:

Source: The Bouqs Co.
Jasmine is easily recognizable for its small gorgeous white flowers and its distinct sweet aroma. Jasmine is worldwide found in perfumes as well as essential oils. In fact, aromatherapy practitioners recommend this essential oil to help regulate blood pressure and breathing. The reason why it falls under our top best plants for the bedroom to sleep is that of its smell. A study showed that it is this sweet fragrance that will help to induce sleep. The study also proved that people sleeping in a room with Jasmine plants had a better quality of sleep and woke up with more energy. Jasmine plants are easy to take care of. Place it on the windowsill so it gets direct sunlight and water it regularly during flowering until the soil is moist.

Source: HGTV
Another essential in our list for the best plants for the bedroom is Lavender. It is probably the most known for inducing sleep and reducing stress. It is so good at inducing sleep that a study showed that (parents of newborns you are going to love this) lavender scent helped babies go to sleep! As it is a famous remedy to help to fall asleep, lavender scented products are abundant in the market: candles, mattresses, detergents, dry lavender bags, etc. So instead of owning all these half artificial products, why don’t you get a real Lavender plant and put it in your room? Lavender plants are also easy to take care of. Place it on a sunny windowsill and water sparingly.

Gardenias are gorgeous flower plants with lustrous leaves, white delicate flowers, and lovely aroma. Most people use them to decorate the home. What few people know is that Crocetin, the active carotenoid compound of gardenia, can improve the quality of your sleep and your mood. In fact, a study claim that gardenias are as effective as valium. The downside is that gardenias are a little bit harder to maintain compared with Lavender or Jasmine. Its delicate flowers and leaves need to be kept in a bright room but do not place it in direct sunlight.

This plant is good for you and for the air, as it helps to purify it, gets rid of unwanted odor and sustain oxygen levels in the room when you are indoors. NASA said that this plant removes around 90% of the cancer-causing chemical formaldehyde from the air. Spider plants are super low-maintenance and very resilient. Place it near a window and water it occasionally. If you want to have a beautiful cascading spider plant, hang it near the window.

Source: Balcony Garden Web
As with other plants, Aloe Vera emits oxygen at night, which purifies the indoor air, making for a more restful sleep. Moreover, you can extract the Aloe Vera gel, and use this 100% natural treatment for minor cuts, insect bites, dry skin, burns and more. If this isn’t a multifunctional plant I don’t know what could be! Similar to the spider plants, Aloe Vera plants are low-maintenance and don’t require much watering. However, it is best if you keep it by your bedroom window as it needs sunlight. Because of the low-maintenance, Aloe Vera plants are great to decorate your dorm room.

Source: Exotic Flora
Snake plant is hilariously known as mother-in-law’s tongue. Opposing to its scary names and nickname, snake plants are a great addition to your bedroom. Similar to Aloe Vera plants, this plan filter toxins from the indoor air while releasing oxygen during the night. This plant grows tall leaves and it can be a great way to decorate the room while you purify it As the previous two plants, snake plants are easy to look after. They do not need direct sunlight and don’t need too much water either.

Source: Amazon
This is a beautiful plant with perennial pink scented flowers that bloom in summer. Valerian has been used to cure insomnia since the Roman times. Currently, it is commonly used in tea beverages and recent studies showed that inhaling its scent will help you fall asleep faster. Valerian helps to relax the muscles and the nervous system so you can enjoy a better quality of slumber. Valerian plant needs more care than the previous ones. Place it by the window, as it needs to get at least 6 hours of sunlight every day and water it every 2 days.

Our last pick for this 8 best plants for the bedroom list is the English Ivy. This plant has amazing results in people that suffer from allergies or asthma. In fact, The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology reported that this plant removes 94% of airborne feces (sorry, but now you know about them) and 78% of airborne mold in just 12 hours, which is why people with breathing issues can enjoy a better night’s sleep. However, it is very important to note that, if you have pets at home, this is not a plant you want to keep around them. If your pet ingests English Ivy leaves or berries, it can cause major issues to its organs. Also, keep it out of reach of your small kids.
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